Pinion Nut Wrench - Late Type 1 IRS / 002

The Dub Shop

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Pinion nut wrench

This wrench has a 16 spline count

Late T1 IRS Beetle

Proper use of this tool will insure years of trouble fee service. This wrench was designed to torque the VW pinion nut that secures the 1st gear inner bearing race to the factory spec of 155 ft/lbs. You can use it to remove this nut but care must be taken not to over stress the wrench as this nut can become locked on. To remove the nut without damage to the wrench, attach a 1/2" drive ratchet or breaker bar and put slight tension on the wrench. DO NOT PUT A LONG BREAKER BAR OR PIPE ON THE WRENCH. Strike the wrench on the side near the end with a hammer to shock the nut loose. Do not exceed 185 ft/lbs of force to loosen the nut.


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  • 5
    Pionon nut wrench

    Posted by Wes jordan on Mar 6th 2025

    Well crafted I will be back